Saturday, 29 September 2012

Attractive property in need of renovation

I am now starting a new chapter in my dollhouse story. One day while I was at work my husband send me an email: "Available: Attractive property in need of renovation". We had just moved in our new house and made all the urgent renovations including kitchen and bathroom, so I thought with horror that he had found something else he wanted us to buy. I called him, but he wouldn't tell me. But when I came home, it was waiting for me. My husband hurried to say: "I-found-it-on-the-dump-if-you-don't-want-it-I'll-take-it-back" while I was looking at it, speechless and full of contradictory emotions: to adore my husband who found this beatiful thing for me, or to despair because he knew me so little that he thought I might not want it.

I felt a bit like someone who finds a neglected cat or dog: how could anyone throw away this treasure? There ought to be homes for unwanted dollhouses.This poor house was not just thrown away, it had been maltreated. It wasn't painted, either on the inside or outside. And it was full of silly half-broken furniture.

I moved the furniture to my antique shop and gave a the house a good scrub. That was all I could do until next weekend.But I ordered The Authentic Tudor and Stuart Dolls' House from amazon.

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