Sunday, 17 April 2016

Chippendale bachelor's chest

My next piece of Chippendale furniture is a bachelor's chest. As I have mentioned repeatedly, you learn a lot from making miniatures. I had no idea what a bachelor's chest was. It is smaller than regular chests because a bachelor gentleman would travel a lot and carry this chest with him (suitcases hadn't been invented yet). It has several drawers of various size and a pull-out so it could also be used as a desk.

There isn't a lot of challenge in making it once you have made half a dozen of chests, so what I wanted to do was make original handles. All there Chippendale kits have exactly the same handles, that are very pretty, but when you have many pieces in a house it starts looking a bit boring. I have already made different handles, from bead caps and paper clips, but this time I decided I would try to make interesting handle plates. I found tiny beads in my supplies, and then I used the provided handles, but bent them into a ring. I have exactly this kinds of handles in one of my 1:1 chests.

Here are the steps:

I am very pleased with the result, although I am not sure yet where this chest will go. I don't know why it looks so shiny in the picture because it is really nice and smooth. I used about ten coats of stain to have this effect.

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