Saturday, 21 December 2019

Plastic furniture upcycling

My recent acquisitions of cheap plastic furniture include these items:

All are used, some heavily used, some broken, and none is a valuable vintage object. My new obsession with chalk paint demanded that these things be upcycled into something more interesting. Decide for yourself whether I have been successful. I will show before and after pictures, with occasional comments.

You cannot see it very well in the picture, but the paint created a nice fabric effect on the bedspread.

I will replace the mirror, which was crooked anyway, with a real mirror sheet.

I had nothing against the fabric, but I had to remove it, and it was glued firmly and couldn't be saved. I am not sure this is the best fabric, so I may replace it later.

The desk was the right colour, but still looked like plastic. Upcycled, it looked like ancient oak.

This is the result of two afternoons. More to come.