Friday, 4 January 2013

Yarn shop

I have already shared my project with a yarn display cabinet, and it is of course a part of a room box that will be a yarn shop. Even though it is not finished yet, I'd like to show the first steps. My first reaction when my daughter suggested a yarn shop project was: no, this will be very boring, what can you have in a yarn shop other than lots of yarn? But of course there are so many other things to do, like in any miniature project.

To begin with, the wine box I got for this project is a bit different from most other I have because it's broader which is good for a shop. If you have displays at the back of the shop you cannot place a lot of other stuff in front. Julia suggested that the walls should be painted white since it would be a good background for colour display. So I started by painting the walls and ceiling white, and then I put in some random boxes I had, as well as an old bathroom cabinet from the Victorian house that has now been replaced by a better one.

I have already explained how I made the yarn balls and skeins. A lot of work, but very relaxing. I took the basket from another house, while the bucket, too large otherwise, fit nicely here. The two glass bowls are for mixing sushi sauce. The knitting needles are of course toothpicks, and Julia and I did a piece of mini-knitting each.


It so happened that I started this project at the same time I got a new printer, and as I was exploring sites with mini-printies I found some flooring and wallpaper borders that I thought would go perfect with the shop. I find it remarkable how small details make a huge difference. Just compare before and after.


Among the many things a yarn shop would have are knitting books, and again I have already shown how I made some. Although I haven't bought any books, Amazon is pitching knitting books to me, so I have made some more. 


I need to make more shelves for all these books. I made one from a plastic container lid, with bits of foil glued on. Note some features in this photo. There is a till on the table, made from a printie. The paper bag on the floor is from the same site. The wool in the transparent box is real wool. The tiny lamb comes from a Nativity set.

This is work in progress. Please come back. 

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