Sunday 12 May 2019

Library room box, part 6

If you have followed my library project, you must be wondering whether I have totally abandoned it, but I haven't. All this time I have been making books. In the previous post I estimated that I would need 120 to fill the shelves, and that was correct.

120 individual books of various shapes and models that look as authentic as they can be, without being real books that can be opened and read. But I will make some real books to spread strategically to create the effect.

As you see, I have added library steps.

I wish I could say I made them from scratch, bit I didn't - I have neither skills nor tools. I bought a kit and put all my efforts into finish, and I am pleased with the result. It is a beautiful piece that adds much to the scene.

I have, as I planned, made some extra books that will be on the floor and on tables.

In most pictures of libraries, there are books and manuscripts everywhere, so there is still a lot of work for me to do. There must be piles of books on top of the book cases as well (fire hazard!). And I will put all kinds of stuff in the desk drawers.

I have considered adding a tall case clock.

It takes space and perhaps eclipses the library steps, but I think it adds a good balance to the left side of the room. I will let it stay in for a while, then remove, then put back again and see what feels right.

It is now time to make ceiling lights. This is what I am using:

The lamp shades are cut from a chocolate box. I think it is just the right sort of lamp for a library. Of course somewhere among my stored-away supplies I have a perfect chandelier (Christmas decoration).

I have used the strongest glue I have. If it doesn't work, I am in trouble.

But fortunately it does. So here we are.

Not finished by any means, but I just want to share the progress. And here is a version without the clock, for you, dear reader, to judge which you find best. Please leave a comment and come back soon.


  1. Oh, this is just turning out do beautifully. Love the chocolate box lamps. How clever, and they are perfect for the room. I think I prefer it without the clock, but either way is fine.

  2. The lamps are wonderful! I think the clock makes the room seem a bit too crowded though. Maybe a painting on the wall for interest?

  3. I like it with the clock, but I've always been a fan of clutter -- in dollhouses and real life rooms.

  4. It looks great, I love all those books and the lights. I feel that the clock is too large, although a clock is a good addition, maybe you could use a smaller, wall clock?
